Size AnimationsSize Animations

Ranmaru`s new master

Date: 01/12/2022 | Category: Femdom

Ranmaru`s new master

After Takeda being dethroned and humiliated by Puff on his own castle, Talon (one of Takeda's clan) decide to follow Ranmaru and his master Satoshi, a very experienced samurai in a surprise attack against Puff. They will invade Puff's castle while she will still be there tormenting the defeated warrior Takeda.

Talon will just watch the fight to discover how such a girl could defeat his master, a very powerful samurai.

About the animation

The full animation is 16:51 minutes. This animation will be starring the new Size Animations video player with support for multilanguages, it's already available in English and Japanese languages and you can help me or request me to translate to your language if you want.



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All characters are fictional, aged 18 or older, even if specified otherwise.
Size Animations - Size Animations, Images, Games and Comics